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Intro to Plant Identification (Summer 2022)
Introduction to Plant ID & Herbalism in the Field
About the Herbal Apprentice Program
Class Syllabus & Class Makeups
Required Reading
Supplies & Herbs
What to Bring to Class Each Week
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Your First Homework Assignment
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Week 1- Location & Driving Directions
Week1-Leaf Identification
Week 1- Location & Driving Directions
Week 1 Hand Outs
Week 1 Action Steps
Identifying Leaves (27:47)
About the Chaparral Ecosystem (4:35)
Poison Oak - Toxicodendron diversilobum (8:30)
Big Pod Ceanothus - Ceanothus megacarpus (6:44)
Greenbark Ceanothus - Ceanothus spinosus (4:36)
Toyon - Heteromeles arbutifolia (2:41)
Laurel Sumac - Malosma laurina (4:21)
Coast Live Oak - Quercus agrifolia (9:54)
Plantain - Plantago sp (7:00)
Sycamore - Platanus racemosa (4:37)
Black Sage - Salvia mellifera (5:24)
California Bay Laurel - Umbellularia californica (6:46)
Week 2 - Tree Identification
Week 2- Location & Driving Directions
Week 2 Hand Outs
Week 2 Recordings (65:31)
Week 2 Action Steps
Land History of CA (25:14)
Land Features of the Transverse Ranges (17:07)
A Little About Lake Los Carneros (2:29)
Mugwort - Artemisia vulgaris (3:07)
Ironwood - Lyonothamnus floribundus (3:45)
Tree Tabacco - Nicotiana glaouca (5:06)
Prickly Pear - Opuntia sp. (8:05)
Pine - Pinus sp (7:03)
Cottonwood - Populus fremontii (3:11)
Holly Leaf Cherry - Prunus ilicifolia (6:32)
Willow - Salix sp (3:53)
White Sage - Salvia apiana (4:12)
Peruvian Pepper Tree - Schinus molle (7:26)
Week 3- Flower Identification
Week 3- Location & Driving Directions
Week 3 Handouts
Week 3 Recordings (74:32)
Week 3 Action Steps
A Few Easy Keying Books for Beginners
Identifying Flowers (20:51)
Saltbush - Atriplex sp. (3:09)
Cypress - Cupressus macrocarpa (6:16)
California Poppy - Eschscholzia californica (4:19)
Blue Gum Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus globulus (9:06)
Lemonade Berry - Rhus integrifolia (5:08)
Gooseberry - Ribes californicum (4:05)
Rose - Rosa sp. (6:04)
Purple Sage - Salvia leucophylla (4:32)
Elder - Sambucus mexicana (2:35)
Nasturtium - Trapaeolum majus (6:06)
Week 4- Edible Plant Families
Week 4- Location & Driving Directions
Week 4 Handouts
Week 4 Recordings (54:26)
Week 4 Action Steps
5 Common Edible Plant Families (47:10)
Elwood & Preserving the Butterflies (4:57)
Sagebrush - Artemisia californica (5:17)
Coyote Bush - Baccharis pilularis (2:03)
Mustard - Brassica nigra (13:33)
California Buckwheat - Eriogonum sp. (6:33)
Cleavers - Galium aprarine (2:42)
Mallow - Malva sp. (2:08)
Horehound - Marrubium vulgare (3:11)
Castor - Rincinus communis (5:00)
Oat - Avena sativa (3:54)
Radish - Raphanus sativus (6:03)
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare (9:41)
Yellow Dock - Rumex crispus (6:27)
Week 5- Poisonous Plant Families
Week 5- Location & Driving Directions
Week 5 Handouts
Week 5 Recordings (49:50)
Week 5 Action Steps
Poisonous Plant Families (42:16)
About Riparian Zones (3:07)
Yerba Mansa - Anemopsis californica (2:54)
Morning Glory - Calystegia macrostegia (4:50)
Poison Hemlock - Conium maculatum (7:24)
Pineapple Weed - Matricaria discoidea (3:25)
Wild Cucumber, or Man Root - Marah fabacea (2:33)
Valley Oak - Quercus lobata (3:55)
Hummingbird Sage - Salvia spathacea (4:09)
Milk Thistle - Silybum marianum (6:13)
Douglas Nightshade - Solanum douglasii (2:49)
Wood Mint - Stachys sp. (3:34)
Stinging Nettle - Urtica dioica (4:59)
Week 6- Cultivating & Growing Herbs
Week 6- NEW Location & Driving Directions
Week 6 Recordings (71:59)
Course Evaluation
Cultivating & Growing Herbs
Propagation by Seed (5:57)
Propagation by Cuttings (6:16)
Propagation by Plant Division (3:19)
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